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Dear Friend,



We invite you to join us for the 12th Annual Hawley Spring Run: A Race for Mental Wellness! 


With one year under our belt since the Whitman Family decided it was time to hand the race over to another organization and chose NAMI Northeast Region PA, we are excited about our second year leading the Hawley Spring Run! NAMI Northeast Region PA is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping to build better lives for anyone impacted by mental illness by providing free education, information and support to the members of the NEPA community.


This race theme, A Race for Mental Wellness, focuses on the need to raise awareness about mental health and mental wellness and the resources in our community. This year’s event will, once again, be held at Bingham Park in Hawley on the first Sunday in June, June 2nd, 2024. There will be a virtual option to participate.


We are counting on the generous support our community has provided over the years to keep this event going into the future in the same spirit that Sheila Whitman did in her efforts to raise awareness for suicide prevention in her son Tyler’s memory.


This non-profit event is a timed 5k run/walk with T-shirts, trophies, medals, music, refreshments and mental wellness materials available. In addition to supporting NAMI programs in our community, your sponsorship will help support an annual scholarship/prize to a Wallenpaupak Area High School Senior. To qualify, students are invited to submit an essay on “What is Mental Wellness? How can I support my own wellness? How can I support others?”  Our goal is to educate as many students as we can about mental wellness!  


Whether you are a longtime supporter or new supporter, we appreciate you and will proudly display your name or business name on the back of each T-shirt!  See link above to sponsor or reach out via email to for a sponsor form.   


We will also have a raffle and appreciate gift certificates and/or baskets. Thank you very much!




NAMI Northeast Region PA

Race for Mental Wellness Team

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