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Why should I join NAMI?

When you join NAMI, you don’t stand alone.

  • Your annual membership will help us continue to provide Support, Education and Advocacy at no cost to all those affected by mental illness.

  • 1 in 5 adults have a serious mental illness. We need you to help us help others! The more members we have, the louder our voices will be when we advocate for mental illness issues with our local and state elected officials.

  • You become part of a network that provides invaluable information and mutual support to those in need. You join hundreds of thousands of Americans in fighting for hope and recovery – people who understand the realities of mental illness and its challenges. Your membership ensures that life-saving information, support and education area available for the millions of Americans who need NAMI.

Who can join NAMI?

Anyone can join NAMI!


Members of NAMI are families, friends, people living with mental illness, health care providers, and those who care about mental health. In addition to the national organization, NAMI has approximately 1,200 NAMI State Organizations and NAMI Affiliates in communities across the country, including Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia.

What will I receive if I become a member?

  • A subscription to The Advocate – our National’s office quarterly publication. You can also receive optional subscriptions to specialty newsletters through our National office.

  • Invitations and Announcements to our affiliate events.

  • Automatic membership with our National, State and Local NAMI so that you stay informed of Statewide and National initiatives.

  • Discounts at the online store at You can also receive a discount on registration at the annual NAMI convention as long as your membership is current.

Join NOW!

Whether you join at the $60 household level, the $40 individual  level, or the $5 for Open Door/Student Membership you become a part of NAMI at the national, state and local levels.


Join at the Community Partner level and NAMI Northeast Region will add you to our Community Partner webpage and provide information and brochures so that you can be a community partner in our mission to help build better lives for all who have been effected by mental illness in the NEPA Community. 

Join via Paypal option below, or, if you prefer, you may download our NAMI Membership Form and mail your check to the NAMI Northeast Region office, 846 Jefferson Avenue, Scranton, PA 18510

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