Support groups meet regularly to offer hope and support to families, people in mental health recovery and women who are pregnant and/or have children.
Hear from men with lived experience and learn about resources available from NAMI & Camp Freedom. Then we walk!
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Support groups meet regularly to offer hope and support to families, people in mental health recovery and women who are pregnant and/or have children.
Community Education & Training Programs Are Available.
Check out Programs Taking Place in September
Family-to-Family Program in Spanish, De Familia a Familia:
This online program begins on Thursday, September 5 at 7PM.
Es necesario registrarse, por favor complete este formulario de Google. O comuníquese con NAMI en el condado de Monroe al 570-731-3060 o para obtener más información.
The NAMI Peer-to-Peer Education Program is a free eight-session course taught by individuals with lived experience of mental illness and recovery. Instruction and course materials are provided free to class participants. This program will be held online and begin on Tuesday, September 10. Eight sessions will take place on Tuesday evenings from 6-8:30 PM through October 29.​ The class is free but registration is required. Please complete this form.
NAMI Basics for Parents & Caregivers of Youth:
This free, confidential, evidence-based six-session education program is for parents and other caregivers who provide care to youth, ages 22 or younger who are experiencing mental health symptoms. It begins on Tuesday, September 17 at 7PM.
The class is free but registration is required by completing the form here.​
Take care of your mental health.
Supporting Recovery
When someone in your family has a mental health condition, your support makes a big difference. However, it may be hard for you to know what to say or do. It can be especially difficult to balance caring for your own health with encouraging others to be responsible for their actions. We can help you.
Training & Education
NAMI offers education and training programs throughout the year including the Family-to-Family and Peer-to-Peer education programs, Family and Friends, and Youth and Adult Mental Health First Aid.