May is National Mental Health Awareness Month. In recent times, attitudes towards mental health issues appear to be changing. Negative attitudes and stigma associated with mental health have reduced and there has been growing acceptance towards mental health issues and support for people with them…but we know that we still have a long way to go. We know that one in five individuals will be affected by mental illness and we must not waiver in our efforts to support them, their families and their friends.
In that spirit, NAMI Scranton & Northeast region has held the Walk for Mental Health Awareness since 1997. We put a lot of effort into making it something that will not only have an appeal to the diverse audience we invite but an event that will uphold the NAMI goals: to support, to educate, and to advocate.
The NAMI 2020 Walk for Mental Health Awareness will be held on Saturday May 2, 2020.
This year’s event will raise awareness about mental illness and give hope to family members, consumers, friends, and professionals in the NEPA community.
...And of course there will also be the information fair, t-shirt give away and lunch for everyone!
NAMI Scranton and Northeast Region would like to say a very special thank you our
Walk Sponsors.
It is their commitment to our mission to improve the lives of everyone affected by mental illness that allows us to continue to host the
Walk for Mental Health Awareness at no cost to our participants every year!